After gaining new super powers the only logical thing to do was to go around collecting all the obvious data clusters. With 1200+ clusters to find I ended up playing numerous sessions of flying across the world and bounding up and down buildings. Along the way I stumbled upon numerous other activities and tried them out . Below you'll find some of the better images captured by Fraps along the journey to collect stuff!
Note: This post is quite image heavy as I didn't end up actually doing much other than running around collecting items and clearing out activities... certainly not all of them though.
Seriously what game has this as a normal part of game play? |
Some artist had fun creating the neat light pattern under the clusters. |
Off the top rope belly flop slam! |
Now that I had super jump capabilities I could adventure up one of the many sequences of floating platforms to see what was on top (flying a vehicle also works but missing the data clusters wouldn't have helped the completion obsession in me).
Jumping up the tower reminded me that... this is a video game of stamina/patience. |
Taking a break on a floating platform to pose. |
The top of the tower has a switch to take control ala Tron. |
The huge floating fortress over the city is ominous but harmless... just collision and no door that I could find. |
I finally decided it was time to do an actual mission and changed my outfit to be a bit more suitable for super hero hand-to-hand combat. It turned out looking like a workout outfit.
Kinzie directed me to a doorway where I could leave the simulation...
Step into the light is usually associated with death... |
Almost through... |
Ooooooops Fraps stopped taking screenshots at this point for some reason so I have nothing to show from the mission itself! I won't spoil it for you but I did return to the Matrix. Some stuff happened that was of significance to the story but the characters reacted as though someone dropped some ice cream on the pavement. I did get to shoot some aliens and fly a ship (repeatedly crashing it into things) so that was fun.
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